Hair Transplant Cost Turkey

In many European countries, determining whether one can afford a hair transplant can be quite challenging due to the expensive nature of the procedure, which is typically charged per graft.

However, numerous hair transplant clinics in Turkey provide their patients with comprehensive "All-Inclusive" packages. These packages encompass essential medications, complimentary transfers, accommodation, and regardless of the number of grafts transplanted, the price remains unaffected. Moreover, these clinics assure transparency by guaranteeing no hidden costs, eliminating any uncertainty regarding affordability.

When compared to hair transplant costs in the United Kingdom or other European countries, the expense in Turkey is significantly lower, typically amounting to one third or one fourth of the price. Most Turkish hair transplant clinics offer hair transplant procedures within the price range of £1,300 to £2,000.


Hair Transplant Cost Turkey 2023

2199 Sapphire FUE
Sapphire FUE Process
Personal companion and translator​
5-Stars Accommodation
Pick-up and Transfers
2499 DHI Transplant
DHI Process
Personal companion and translator​
5-Stars Accommodation
Pick-up and Transfers

What Is All-Inclusive Package on Hair Transplant?

An all-inclusive package for hair transplantation refers to a comprehensive service provided by certain clinics or facilities. It typically includes various components related to the hair transplantation procedure, offering convenience and a simplified experience for the patient. Here are the key features typically included in an all-inclusive package:

  • Hair Transplant Procedure
  • Consultation and Evaluation
  • Preoperative Assessments
  • Surgeon's Fees
  • Clinic Facilities and Staff
  • Postoperative Care
  • Medications
  • Accommodation
  • Airport Transfer

Hair Transplantation Procedure: The package covers the main hair transplantation procedure itself. This includes the extraction of hair follicles from the donor area (either through FUE or FUT technique) and their transplantation into the recipient area to achieve the desired hair restoration.

Consultation and Evaluation: The package often includes an initial consultation and evaluation with the hair transplant surgeon. This allows the surgeon to assess the patient's hair loss condition, discuss expectations, and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Preoperative Assessments: All-inclusive packages generally include preoperative assessments such as blood tests and other necessary medical examinations. These assessments ensure that the patient is in good health and suitable for the procedure.

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is typically administered during the hair transplantation procedure to ensure patient comfort. The all-inclusive package covers the cost of anesthesia.

Surgeon's Fees: The fees associated with the surgeon's expertise and services are typically included in the package. This encompasses the surgeon's time, skill, and experience in performing the hair transplantation procedure.

Clinic Facilities and Staff: The package covers the use of the clinic's facilities, including the operation room, equipment, and support staff involved in the procedure. It ensures a safe and professional environment for the treatment.

Postoperative Care: An all-inclusive package often includes postoperative care, which may involve follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor the progress of the hair transplantation, provide guidance on aftercare instructions, and address any concerns or questions that arise during the recovery period.

Medications: The package may include necessary medications prescribed during the postoperative period, such as pain relievers, antibiotics, and any other medications required for optimal healing and recovery.

It's important to note that the specific inclusions and terms of an all-inclusive package can vary between clinics. Some packages may also offer additional services, such as transportation, accommodation, or special postoperative treatments. It's advisable to thoroughly review the details of the package and discuss any clarifications or additional costs with the clinic before proceeding with the hair transplantation procedure.

All Inclusive Package for Hair Transplant

Accommodation for Hair Transplant

Accommodation is a common consideration for individuals traveling to undergo a hair transplantation procedure. We offer assistance with arranging accommodation as part of their services or all-inclusive packages. Here's some information about accommodation in relation to hair transplantation:

Accommodation Options: Clinics may provide information and assistance in finding suitable accommodation options for patients. This can include recommendations for nearby hotels, guesthouses, or other accommodations that are conveniently located in proximity to the clinic. The range of options can vary, allowing patients to choose accommodations based on their preferences and budget.

Traveling to a Different Location: If you are traveling to a different city or country for the hair transplantation procedure, it's important to consider accommodation for the duration of your stay. Clinics may be able to offer guidance on the best areas to stay, taking into account factors such as proximity to the clinic, accessibility to amenities, and safety.

Assistance with Booking: We assist patients in booking accommodation by providing contact information, and recommendations, or even facilitating the booking process on their behalf. This can help streamline the logistics and make the overall experience more convenient for patients.

Accommodation Costs: The cost of accommodation is typically not included in the hair transplantation procedure cost itself. Patients are generally responsible for arranging and covering their own accommodation expenses. However, clinics may be able to provide information about accommodation options in different price ranges to suit various budgets.

Duration of Stay: The duration of stay required for a hair transplantation procedure can vary depending on factors such as the technique used, the number of grafts, and the individual's healing process. Clinics can provide estimates of the recommended duration of stay, which can help in planning the accommodation accordingly.

Local Transportation: Clinics may also provide information or assistance regarding local transportation options, such as public transportation or taxi services, to help patients commute between their accommodation and the clinic during their stay.

When planning your hair transplantation procedure, it's advisable to discuss accommodation arrangements with the clinic in advance. They can provide specific recommendations, information about nearby options, and any additional assistance they offer to ensure a comfortable and convenient stay during the hair transplantation process.

Accommodation for Hair Transplant

Transfer with VIP Vehicles

Transfer with VIP vehicles is a premium service that some hair transplantation clinics may offer to enhance the overall experience for their patients. Here is some information about transfer services using VIP vehicles:

VIP Transfer Service: We provide VIP transfer services to ensure the comfort and convenience of their patients. This service involves arranging transportation to and from the clinic using high-end vehicles that offer a luxurious and comfortable experience.

Dedicated Chauffeur: The VIP transfer service often includes a dedicated chauffeur who is responsible for safely and efficiently transporting patients between their accommodation and the clinic. The chauffeur is trained to provide a professional and personalized service, ensuring a smooth and stress-free journey.

Luxury Vehicles: VIP transfer services typically utilize luxury vehicles that are well-maintained, spacious, and equipped with premium amenities. These vehicles may include luxury sedans, SUVs, or even specialized vehicles designed for comfort and privacy during transportation.

Convenience and Privacy: VIP transfer services aim to provide convenience and privacy for patients. The vehicles are usually equipped with features such as tinted windows to ensure privacy during the journey. Patients can relax and enjoy a comfortable ride without having to worry about transportation logistics.

Personalized Assistance: The chauffeur providing the VIP transfer service may offer personalized assistance to patients, such as helping with luggage, providing information about the local area, or addressing any specific needs or requests during the journey.

It's important to note that VIP transfer services using luxury vehicles are often provided as an optional add-on or part of premium packages offered by clinics. Patients interested in availing this service should inquire about its availability, any associated costs, and specific details directly from the clinic during the consultation or booking process.

VIP transfer services can provide a heightened level of comfort, convenience, and luxury for patients undergoing hair transplantation, allowing them to have a seamless and enjoyable experience throughout their journey to and from the clinic.

Airport Transfer VIP Vehicle for Hair Transplant in Turkey

Patient Host Service for 1 Year

Patient host service for one year is a comprehensive and extended support program offered by us. This service aims to provide ongoing assistance and guidance to patients throughout their hair restoration journey. Here is some information about patient host services for one year:

Dedicated Patient Host: The patient host is a designated representative from the clinic who serves as a point of contact and support for the patient. They act as a personal guide, assisting the patient throughout the entire year-long process.

Continuous Communication: The patient host maintains regular communication with the patient, addressing any concerns, questions, or issues that may arise during the recovery period and beyond. They are available to provide guidance, offer advice, and ensure that the patient's needs are met throughout the one-year duration.

Postoperative Care: The patient host helps coordinate and facilitate postoperative care during the recovery period. They may provide information about proper hair care, advise on medications or treatments, and schedule follow-up appointments with the surgeon for evaluation and monitoring of the progress.

Progress Monitoring: The patient host keeps track of the patient's progress and provides ongoing support. They may request updates from the patient regarding hair growth, offer reassurance during the different stages of recovery, and address any concerns about the outcome.

Assistance with Maintenance: The patient host can provide guidance on long-term hair care and maintenance. They may offer recommendations on products, styling techniques, or lifestyle adjustments that can help maintain the results achieved through the hair transplantation procedure.

Access to Resources: The patient host serves as a valuable resource, providing information and resources related to hair health, styling options, and any additional services that the clinic may offer. They can help connect patients with relevant experts or provide access to educational materials to support their hair restoration journey.

Patient host services for one year aim to provide comprehensive support and assistance to patients, ensuring that they receive ongoing guidance and care throughout their hair restoration journey, ultimately enhancing their satisfaction and long-term success with the procedure.

How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey?

Hair transplant costs in Turkey can vary depending on several factors, including the clinic, location, technique used, and the number of grafts required. Turkey is known for offering competitive prices for hair transplantation compared to many other countries. However, it's important to note that the exact cost can still vary between clinics.

On average, the cost of hair transplant in Turkey can range from $1,500 to $5,000. This cost typically includes the hair transplantation procedure itself, consultation fees, local anesthesia, and postoperative medications. However, it's crucial to inquire about the specific inclusions and any potential additional costs with the clinic you choose.

While cost is an important consideration, it's equally important to ensure the quality and safety of the procedure. Researching and choosing a reputable clinic with experienced surgeons is crucial to achieve successful and satisfactory results.

It's recommended to schedule consultations with multiple clinics, discuss your specific needs and expectations, and obtain personalized cost assessments based on your individual case. This will help you make an informed decision while considering both the cost and the quality of the hair transplantation procedure.

Hair Transplant Technique

Price Range Hair Estenbul

Price Range in Turkey

Price Range in USA

Price Range in Europe

Sapphire FUE

€1800 - €2199

€2099 - €6999

€12500 - €13900

€4700 - €6300

DHI Transplant

€2099 - €2499

€2490 - €6000

€12300 - €13800

€5550 - €31190

Hair Transplant Price Comparison with Turkey vs Other Country

When comparing hair transplant prices between Turkey, the USA, and the UK, there are notable differences due to various factors. Here's some information to help you understand the price comparison:

Avarage Hair Transplant Cost Per Country

Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey

Turkey is renowned for offering competitive prices for hair transplants. The average cost in Turkey ranges from $1,500 to $5,000. Turkey's lower costs can be attributed to factors such as a lower cost of living, a higher number of clinics specializing in hair transplantation, and a favorable exchange rate for international patients. However, it's crucial to research and choose a reputable clinic with experienced surgeons to ensure quality and safety.

Why Turkey is the Best Destination for Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Cost in USA

Hair transplant prices in the USA tend to be higher compared to Turkey. The average cost can range from $4,000 to $15,000 or more. The higher costs in the USA can be attributed to factors such as higher operating expenses, higher overhead costs for clinics, and the expertise and reputation of the surgeons. Additionally, geographical location within the USA can also impact pricing, with metropolitan areas often having higher costs.

Hair Transplant Cost in USA

Hair Transplant Cost in United Kingdom

Hair transplant prices in the UK are generally higher compared to Turkey as well. The average cost in the UK can range from £3,000 to £15,000 or more. Similar to the USA, factors like higher operational costs, overhead expenses, and the expertise of the surgeons contribute to the higher prices. The cost of living and healthcare regulations in the UK also influence the pricing structure.

Hair Transplant Cost in UK

It's important to note that these price ranges are approximate and can vary based on several factors, including the extent of hair loss, the technique used (FUE or FUT), the number of grafts required, and the individual clinic's reputation and location.

When comparing prices, consider not only the cost but also the quality and reputation of the clinic and the expertise of the surgeons. Reading reviews, researching the success rates of clinics, and scheduling consultations to discuss your specific case can help you make an informed decision.

Ultimately, it's important to balance cost considerations with the overall value and quality of the hair transplant procedure to ensure the best possible outcome.

Factors Affecting Hair Transplantation Cost

Technique Used: Different hair transplantation techniques, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), may have varying costs due to differences in the procedure, equipment, and expertise required.

Extent of Hair Loss: The extent of hair loss and the amount of area to be covered with transplanted hair can affect the overall cost. Larger areas or more extensive hair loss may require more grafts and, therefore, increase the cost.

Number of Grafts: The number of grafts needed for the transplantation procedure can significantly impact the cost. Each graft represents an individual hair follicle and the more grafts required, the higher the cost.

Clinic Reputation and Expertise: Established and reputable clinics with experienced surgeons may charge higher fees due to their track record, expertise, and quality of service.

Geographic Location: The cost of hair transplantation can vary based on the geographic location of the clinic. Prices in metropolitan areas or regions with a higher cost of living may be higher compared to more rural or economically lower-cost regions.

Additional Services: Additional services, such as preoperative evaluations, postoperative care, medications, or special treatments, may be offered by some clinics, which can influence the overall cost.

Surgeon's Experience: The experience and expertise of the surgeon performing the procedure can affect the cost. Highly skilled surgeons may command higher fees due to their specialized knowledge and successful track record.

Clinic Facilities and Technology: Clinics equipped with advanced facilities and cutting-edge technology may have higher costs associated with their services.

Travel and Accommodation: If you are traveling to a different city or country for hair transplantation, consider additional expenses for travel, accommodation, and any other related costs.

It's important to note that these factors can vary from one clinic to another, and it's advisable to consult with multiple clinics to get a clear understanding of the costs involved.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Transplant Cost Turkey

What is the average cost of a hair transplant in Turkey?

The average cost of a hair transplant in Turkey can vary depending on several factors. However, as mentioned earlier, it can range from as low as $1,500 in the lower end clinics to $10,000 or more in high-end establishments.

Does the hair transplant cost include accommodation and transportation?

In many cases, hair transplant packages in Turkey include accommodation and local transportation. However, it's essential to check with the clinic beforehand to confirm what is included in the package.

Are there any hidden costs associated with hair transplant procedures in Turkey?

Reputable clinics in Turkey strive to be transparent about their pricing and ensure there are no hidden costs. However, it's always advisable to discuss the breakdown of costs with the clinic before undergoing the procedure to avoid any surprises.

Is the quality of hair transplant procedures in Turkey comparable to that in other countries?

Turkey has gained a reputation for providing high-quality hair transplant procedures. Many clinics in the country are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and employ experienced surgeons who are well-versed in the latest techniques. However, as with any medical procedure, it's essential to research and choose a reputable clinic.

Can I get a refund if I am not satisfied with the results of my hair transplant?

Refund policies may vary among clinics, so it's crucial to discuss this aspect before the procedure. Some clinics may offer a partial or full refund if the results are not satisfactory or provide a revision procedure at no additional cost.

Are there any post-operative expenses that I should consider?

While the cost of the hair transplant procedure itself is an important consideration, it's essential to also factor in any potential post-operative expenses. These can include medication, follow-up consultations, and additional treatments such as PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy or laser therapy. It's important to discuss these potential expenses with the clinic beforehand to have a complete understanding of the overall cost.